Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Session 4

Post your Blog information here:


  1. April Mitchell commenting on creating my Podcast. My link for creating this podcast is : https://voca.ro/bEjRewqmypf. I utilized the tool Vocaroo and it was very simple to use. I wanted to create a message for Elementary Mathematics teachers as they are embarking on teaching Mathematics to students remotely. I found that it is very helpful to have a script written first as they will allow for the continuous flow of the podcast and information that will be provided. I would like to use this method to help teachers, parents, and students with communicating messages that can be listened to at their own pace and could provide an additional layer of support for all stakeholders.

    1. Hi, April,

      I wrote a script for my podcast, too. I get nervous whenever I know my voice is being recorded.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Brandy Quattlebaum commenting on creating my Podcast. My link is


      I used Vocaroo which was very easy to use. I decided to do a personal podcast about my journey to becoming a principal. I believe we all have something to contribute and give insight on the things we can learn along the way. Often we see the finish results, but the things that happen along the way can help even more. I would like to share resources and tidbits that I learn through this journey.

    2. Hi, Brandy,

      Great idea! I am sure that other educators will find your podcast very insightful as you record your journey to becoming a principal.


  3. I chose to use Vocaroo for my podcast. It was very easy to use and simple to share the link with others. Because the reopening of school has been on my mind lately, I decided to focus on a podcast to give parents and students a little information about the changes they will see and invite them to a parent meeting scheduled later this month to discuss the school safety plan and student's learning options. This is what I would do to prepare students and parents if I was principal.

    The link to my podcast is https://voca.ro/l0OnHXxbQjF.

    1. Hi, Hilary,

      I think we were both on the same page with the reopening of our school campuses. I decided to share the latest information about the COVID-19 guidelines that Troy has sent in an email last week. I thought I would attach it to an email and send it to my students before our first day of class.


  4. Session 4 Activity 3

    Susan McSwean is posting her comments about creating a podcast using Vocaroo.

    The link to my podcast is: https://voca.ra/efhFUCz4bKm.

    I thought the Vocaroo podcast website was much more user friendly than another website that I used to record a previous podcast for another class. I liked that it was quick to record a message and had lots of ways that you could share your podcast once it was recorded.

    1. Hi, everybody!

      I just realized that I missed a letter whenever I posted my podcast link. It is bad whenever you can't read your own writing! I am so sorry! Please find my podcast link below.


      Thanks so much!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This is Angelia Groves (also known as noavgteacher1). I created my very first podcast and I really enjoyed it. This past spring, I learned how to create podcasts on an ipad where I could combine music files with audio files, fade in and fade out, and clip out and relocate sections of my files, so using Vocaroo seemed too easy to be true. I had to go old school to add my music because I didn't see that feature when I first saw the screen. On my cell phone held very close to my laptop, I had to find a good song, play it at full volume, manually reduce the volume so I could talk, then increase the volume, again, at the end. With all of that, I still got it done and I had fun doing it. It reminded me of what we had to do many, many years ago if we wanted to record music off of the radio using cassette tapes. I had a difficult time writing my script because I was just unsure about what I wanted to say. Now I look forward to creating future podcasts.

    Here is where my podcast can be found:

    1. Hi, Angelia,

      I wonder how many of our classmates will remember the old cassette tapes. Ha! Ha! I am showing my age. I decided to share the latest information about the reopening of our campus this Fall. I hate the way my voice sounds on tape. I always have even on the old cassette tapes.


    2. I love that you thought to add music! I wish I had done that. By the way, I remember holding record on many Top 8 countdowns so I could capture my favorite songs! I used to get so mad if the dj cut the song off and went early to a commercial. The good old days! :)

  7. Tiffney Abston

    I actually wrote my script before I did the recording. I made sure to capitalize words that I wanted to emphasize, and I did my best to speak in my normal voice. I had to make myself slow down, though, because I talk very fast. I think it turned out okay, and I definitely could get used to creating those for struggling readers! I used the voice memo on my phone to create my podcast, so I have to upload the file to the class discussion board. It will not download here! I discussed what I thought our first day back might look like, and I talked with my 7th graders about what we were doing at school to protect them and ourselves, as well as what they could do when they come back to protect themselves and us!

    1. I wrote my script out too but I didn't think of using the voice memo on my phone. That's a good idea. I feel like maybe I wouldn't have had so much static on there if I had recorded it on my phone instead of my Chromebook.

  8. Hi, Tiffney,

    Your podcast is similar to mine. I shared the information that Troy has sent in an email last week concerning the opening of our campus. Given our current circumstances podcasting is a great way to share Covid-19 updates with all stakeholders.


  9. I chose to make my podcast as a good bye to my summer session Jump Start college students.
    The link to my podcast is: https://voca.ro/6BGYJIvJwq3

  10. I'm sorry I'm late in posting for the week. I was unsure where to post my podcast. I chose to speak about our decision to forego required summer reading this year and offered some suggestions for other activities to increase literacy, along with book suggestions of what I've read this summer.

    I wrote a script so I would stay on topic but I could tell I got a little off topic when I veered away from my script and I'm afraid you can hear it in my voice. I need to work on that!

    My podcast came in right around 5 minutes and I feel like it was a good start. Eventually, I could make longer and more in depth podcasts, but this was my very first one so I know there's room for improvement.

    Here's my link- https://voca.ro/7U6WE3k5yAZ

    -Heather Roe

  11. I got really confused. I thought we were supposed to post a podcast, so I posted in the forum. However, I received an email to post a blog
    https://edu5506foramynixon.blogspot.com/ so I posted a blog used for 5506, and then I planned to post for 5505 on that blog.
    Now I'm going to post a podcast to cover all bases! https://voca.ro/hgWzYRda7up

    Thank you for your patience. Please let me know if I need to make an other corrections.
